Services Provided

I provide individual therapy for adults, teens or children. I also provide family therapy.

Positive Psychology
I offer a highly personalized approach tailored to each of my clients individual needs to help Add a Photo attain the personal growth they’re striving for. My methods for helping people are eclectic and vary with each person and each issue. After learning all I can about a person, I work with them to find their strengths. Together we use these strengths to help them cope, manage or change. T his is called positive psychology. Just the notion of positive psychology hints of growth in a positive direction. Even though we may talk about the past to learn how a person arrived at this place today, we are still focused on the goal of moving forward.

Cognitive Behavioral Treatment and Psychoeducation
I most often use cognitive behavioral therapy to help individuals recognize that their thinking, emotions and behaviors are connected in an intricate way. I also use psychoeducational methods, to teach people about their brains and their mood. And we spend time trying out new strategies for managing emotions, coping with stress, communicating and problem solving.

Mind-Body Techniques
I also am trained in EMDR (Eye-movement Desentization Reprocessing) and I use it to help those who have been traumatized, or those that need to desensitize to past disturbances, while learning a positive way to feel about themselves today. In addition I frequently incorporate relaxation exercises, Guided Imagery therapy, TFT and healthy breathing exercises into my therapy.

With kids and teens . . .
I adapt a variety of methods from play therapy, to art therapy to game therapy and talk therapy. These allow me to relate to kids and teens at their level, forming a bond that makes them feel safe and encourages them to learn more about themselves. I always incorporate parents in the process as needed – in family therapy sessions, or brainstorming new ideas for parenting. I have developed my own unique games to help kids learn to express their feelings with words, and use tried-and-true methods designed to help kids and teens improve when they feel depressed, anxious, panicky, or when they suffer from things like attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder or behavioral disorders.

Adult Therapy Room and Adjoining Play Therapy Room
I have a play therapy room that adapts to a variety of ages attached to my talk therapy room and office. Adults and teens enjoy the comfort of the office without being surrounded by toys and games, while kids feel right at home and safe in a brightly colored room with a round table for activities. I also have a one-way mirror that separates the rooms for opportunities to observe children or parents when the situation warrants it.